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Import sales orders
Updated over a week ago

Now in Edara you can import sales orders collectively by following the steps below:

First, make sure to activate the New sales order layout feature.

  • Click on the username at the top right of the page.

  • Click on "Preview Features".

  • Activate "New sales order layout".

Then following the steps below:

  • Open the “new sales orders” page.

  • Click on “Import”.

  • The first configuration window will appear to specify the unique identifier for each of the following:

    • Stock item (description or part number or code).

    • Service item (description or code).

    • Customer (name or mobile).

    • The unique identifier for the sales order is always the ref.doc, and there are no other options.

  • Click “Next” to proceed to the import file page.

  • Click “Download” to download the template on your device.

  • Open the import file and in the “Headers” page, enter the main data for each sales order in a separate row, which includes:

    • Ref.doc (non-repeatable, and if duplicate data is entered, it will appear in orange to alert).

      • After entering The ref doc, the row cells will appear in red until they are completed.

    • The warehouse, chosen from a dropdown list containing all the warehouses in the database.

    • The customer, entered based on the unique identifier selected in the previous step.

    • Sales order date, formatted by default as mm-dd-yyyy (month first, then day, then year) with the option to enter the time data hh:mm:ss (hour:minute:second). If an incorrect date is entered, a warning message will appear.

    • Activate the use of VAT. If the sales order uses VAT, select YES from the dropdown list.

    • Activate the withholding tax. If the sales order uses withholding tax, select YES from the dropdown list.

  • In the “Lines” page, write detailed data for each sales order and link them to the Headers through the dropdown list in the ref.doc column. The detailed data includes:

    • Item, whether service or stock, based on the unique identifier specified for each in the configuration steps.

    • Item type, defaulting to stock item, and if it's a service item, select Service Item from the dropdown list.

    • Quantity, must be greater than zero.

    • Price, must be greater than or equal to zero.

    • Discount type, defaulting to value discount.

    • Discount value, and if percentage discount is selected, the discount value must not exceed 100.

    • VAT rate, and if the order uses VAT, select the tax rate from the dropdown list in this column.

    • Withholding tax rate, and if the order uses this tax, select the tax rate from the dropdown list in this column.

  • Save the excel file and upload it.

  • Click “Next”. The imported data will be validated, and the result will display the number of successful and failed records.

    • In case of failure to import some orders, you can export their data to Excel by clicking “View Details”.

  • Click “GOT IT”.

Important Notes:

  • The maximum number of importable rows is 1000.

  • When you start filling data for any row, the color of the remaining cells automatically changes to red to indicate incomplete data, and the color disappears once mandatory data is filled.

  • All sales orders are saved in full cash on the first permitted cash account for the user

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